Statement concerning fatal mass shooting in Buffalo, NY
At about 2:31 p.m. Saturday, a white supremacist wearing military-style clothing and body armor opened fire with a rifle at Tops Friendly Markets on Jefferson Avenue in the City of Buffalo, NY, killing ten people.
Prior to the mass shooting, the gunman posted an online screed railing about his hatred of immigrants and minorities, including Jews. In one section of his manifesto he wrote, “The Jews are responsible for many problems that we in the western world face today. For our self-preservation, the Jews must be removed from our Western civilizations, in any way possible.”
From the moment my wife and I heard on Shabbos afternoon, we walked to those within walking distance, ensuring everyone was safe and offering assisting in any way we could. The community here is in shock.
Every human being is a creation by the hand of G-d. Terror is an act that destroys humanity. CJL Downtown Buffalo – Chabad, which is located just over a mile from the shooting, will continue to spread love in the city of Buffalo, contrary to what that evil man indented to do.
There is no way to process such insanity. It defies comprehension that a young man made the exhausting and arduous drive from hours away just to kill people. But you can’t negotiate with darkness; the only way to eliminate it is by introducing more light, even from afar.
There are ten souls who can no longer do goodness in this world, so it’s up to everyone else to do so for them. We have to spread the message of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, and bring light into the world. We have an obligation to do selfless acts of kindness to people, whether we think they deserve it or not. Call someone you don’t like, someone you don’t usually talk to, especially family members. Bring more loving-kindness into this world.